*baldy girl!cool?!hehes..*
THANKIES!!!thankies tzeng suan for making this bloggie skin for me!!!luv it vry vry vry vry much!!!reallie thanks!!u so pro man!luv ya lots.
bt then sry hor..i'll be switching this 2 bloggies frm time to time cos i feel tat i just changed my blog skin aft lots of hard work so i wun be changing it soon.bt i'll still post in both bloggies!!!
hehes thankies!!!!actually can oso make tis our clique blog!we just have to change some parts tat have my name hehes.bt its okayyys if u dun wan~~^0^ *suggestion*
teehheeeess!!!cant believe i reallie actually noe someone tat noes how to make a blogskin..sorta unbelievable!>0^
once again,thanks for ur effort!i'll treasure this skin u gave me as a v.day present!
ps.the merci u gave me was vry nice too!!